mymobility® Care Management Platform
A guided telehealth orthopaedic patient experience, with automation, data and insights for clinicians. mymobility® is an orthopaedic care management platform designed to help you and your care team deliver a personalized surgical experience to qualified patients*. It provides the capability to create procedure-specific telehealth protocols and monitor patient engagement, PROMs, activity level, and compliance.
A Guided Patient Experience
The mymobility® Care Management Platform helps support patients throughout their surgical journey, from preparation to recovery by using smartphones. It tracks their progress and collects objective data providing the care team with clinical and operational insights. mymobility Care Management Platform delivers continuous data and patient-reported feedback to facilitate care, outcomes, and satisfaction with your patients’ surgical preparation and recovery.

82% better or much better(1*)
mymobility Clinical Study Preliminary Data. Patients completing survey through 11/21/2022. Questions answered between 14 and 44 days post op. Study ongoing.
Compared to your other medical and surgical experiences, how did the mymobility app affect the anxiety you felt with this surgical experience?
68% better or much better(1*)
mymobility Clinical Study Preliminary Data. Patients completing survey through 11/21/2022. Questions answered between 14 and 44 days post op. Study ongoing.
Compared to your other medical and surgical experiences, how did the mymobility app affect the anxiety you felt with this surgical experience?
*This data is exclusive to the RCT portion of the mymobility study, and is only inclusive of 401 patients that received a total or partial knee. These values do not incorporate the 4333 hip and knee patients from the overall study.

mymobility helps to keep patients engaged in their orthopaedic surgical journey, allowing patients to better understand their condition and take an active role in optimizing their surgical experience.

Provides clinical and operational insights to support a patient’s surgical preparation and recovery by tracking patient progress through remote monitoring, PROMs collection, engagement and adherence.

All the benefits of digital care management and telehealth in one platform, driving toward more efficient and convenient care without the need for multiple platforms, hardware and logins.
WalkAI™ Predicted Progress
WalkAI is the orthopedic industry's first AI model to generate daily personalized predictions during recovery. WalkAI notifies the surgeon of any patients using the mymobility application who are off-track and predicted to have a lower relative gait speed at 90-days following hip or knee surgery.

WalkAI™ Recovery Curves for Gait Speed allows the clinician to quickly benchmark individual patients' recovery progress by comparing them to a like cohort and predicts the patient’s gait speed 90-days post-operatively. Recovery progress is available against the 5th, 15th, 50th, 85th, and 95th percentiles of similar patients.

WalkAI™ Patient Progress helps patients and care teams track recovery by focusing on activities like walking sessions and steps, then helping them know if they are "Low," “On-track” or “High” relative to a cohort of patients like them. Patients can also see their WalkAI predicted 90-day post-operative gait speed and how that compares to similar patients.

WalkAI™ Exceptions are notifications (from day 15-40 post-operative) sent to the care team on the mymobility Clinician Dashboard that are triggered when a patient is tracking low on their recovery gait speed.
mymobility Skeletal Tracking - Shoulder Range of Motion
The new Skeletal Tracking capability in mymobility allows patients to measure and track their shoulder range of motion (ROM) and corresponding pain pre- and post-operatively, throughout the episode of care. This feature allows ROM to be collected simply and easily by the patient through the cameras on their phone! ROM measurements are typically only collected by clinicians at in-person appointments, and typically assessed by eye. The skeletal tracking telehealth capability in mymobility allows patients to conveniently collect these shoulder range of motion measurements on their own and on a regular basis without taking clinician time or having to travel to an appointment. The measurements collected with the shoulder Range of Motion feature are: Standing Flexion, Extension, Standing Abduction, Internal and External Rotation. Note: This feature is currently only available for shoulder replacement and shoulder sports medicine telehealth care pathways.

Allows patients to measure and track their shoulder range of motion (ROM) and corresponding pain pre- and post-operatively, throughout the episode of care.

The skeletal tracking telehealth capability in mymobility allows patients to conveniently collect these shoulder range of motion measurements on their own and on a regular basis without taking clinician time or having to travel to an appointment.

The measurements collected with the shoulder Range of Motion feature are: Standing Flexion, Extension, Standing Abduction, Internal and External Rotation.