iAssist® Knee

iAssist Knee | Main Product Image

iAssist® Knee

The iAssist Knee System is a compact and efficient electronic guidance system that helps surgeons with real-time alignment and validation of bony resections during surgery. It enables precise alignment, addresses difficult cases, and is cost-effective with disposable pods.

Clinical Results

iASSIST has demonstrated a neutral mechanical axis and optimal component position in the coronal plane in 95% of cases.1

iASSIST provides 88% good or excellent patient satisfaction.2

Enables Precise Alignment

The iASSIST Knee offers increased precision and accuracy via the intraoperative validation feature, allowing for direct feedback of the resections, ensuring proper alignment intraoperatively.3

Addresses Difficult Cases

Electronic pods virtually identify the patient’s mechanical axis, aiding in challenging cases such as retained hardware, abnormal bowing and extreme valgus.


Compatible with conventional instruments, the iASSIST Knee enables straightforward intraoperative set up, minimising unnecessary workflow disruptions, resulting in fewer issues and a time neutral workflow.4,5

Cost Effective

Offering an imageless solution with disposable pods, the iASSIST Knee eliminates the hassle of specialised imaging and the need for more expensive capital equipment.3